1. Give priority to returns that generate K-1s. You should have those ready by the second week of March. If you don’t you may find yourself explaining the reasons for the delay to your clients.
You should give priority to 1120s and 1065 returns where K-1s will be going to people that you do not prepare 1040s for. Do not let completing corporate returns take all your time.
2. Partners should be available to respond quickly to any questions preparers may have during the time they spend working for the tax forms. Partners’ delays cause bunched-up rushes toward the end of tax season when the preparers finally get the responses.
3. Fix a programmed schedule of frequent follow up calls with the client during the entire tax season. Having plenty of questions is a sign you are doing a good job and clients apreciate follow up planning. It usually takes less time from them than leaving feedback for the end of the process. Still, call your client as soon as you know there’s any bad news or a large or unexpected balance due.
4. Make sure there is an admin person available during those days when CPA’s work till late at night or weekends. Any help they may get during crucial hours will improve productivity and the quality of their job.
5. Prepare all tax vouchers whenever your client needs his first one. Send them all together so you won’t have to do this in June and September if their returns are still on extension. Also, Do not let them accumulate to just before the April 18 due date.
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